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Wishes From Natchez, Mississippi 2021


These are the desires of our community as expressed at The Wishing Tree during Allumer Natchez, November 19th - 21st, 2021. They have transcribed exactly as they were written, only removing names for privacy.

I wish the world would trust Jesus.

I wish I could find my soulmate.

I wish for world peace.

I wish for a healthy…

Peace and obedience to God by the USA.

Not lose 2 many brain cells 2 go 2 a good college.

Lots of money + and a tree like this one + a greenhouse.


I wish for a healthy and happy and prosperous life with a true romantic soul mate!!

Wish it gets better.

To help my community to work together.

To marry ***** by 2/13/21.

I wish for my Dad to retire from the army saftely and he marries the right lady.

I wish for Chik-fil-A in Vidalia.

I wish for a -Happy marriage -Happy family -****** to be happy and healthy -****** to have everything he needs in life (Heart drawing)

I wish my husband had a Bronco.

A healthy baby boy!

I for a house and ****** a truck.

I wish for no financial struggles and for all my lost family to know Jesus.

To fall in love. (Heart drawing)

I wish that every body’s happey!

I wish my kids always know how much I love them.

My daughter to always be happy and healthy.

I wish for happiness.

Keep Natchez Great!

My wish is for a healthy happy life for my kids!

I wish for unity in the US (& gas prices go down)

To figure out how to retire comfortably.

True wish for a reconciliation between father + son. SAWS

World Peace.

To meet ranboo & wilbur soot.

I wish for health, success, & family that trust God.

To get a cat.

I wish to heal from the things that have hurt me and to find peace in my heart.

I wish for peace.

I wish people would understand me better.

I wish my little brother would stop eating boogers.

(Heart drawing) I wish that it all works out for the better for everyone (Heart drawing).

I wish for the best girlfriend ever.

I wish I go to Florida with my girlfriend.

More wishes…

I wish for some food. I’d like chicken nuggets but IDM.

I wish for love and good fortune for all.

I wish for Covid-19 to go away.

I wish that I had 50 dollars.

I wish for Happy Happy for my dad.

People to love and be loved.

Health, Happiness, and Peace.

Growth, prosperity and love.

Bracelet. LL

For everyone to be happy.

For everything to be ok.

To be happy.

I wish to be cute.

For my boyfriend to marry me tonight.

A unicorn tie.

That I make the cheer team & I get my backhand spring. (Heart picture)

I wish for a happy heart.

I wish for my family’s health and happiness. I wish for a great oil well tonight.

To have a peace of mind. To have more understanding of life. To come more at peace with my past.

I wish that I won’t go insane.

Freedom, equality and a world to be proud of.

I wish for a puppy.

I wish for self fulfillment, actualization and gratitude.

I wish the world to be accepting.

A happy relationship with my family.

I wish for world peace.

I wish for good grades in school, for the Lord to always be with me.

Thy will be done for me…God.

I wish for good health for my friends, relationships.

Humility and love. JPS

I wish that Pokémon will be real.

I wish to have a lot of figits.

I wish for a puppy and hugs from mommy. (3 year old child)

Peace & Joy.

I wish we were rich.

To feel at peace with my life.

We wish for a long and happy marriage.

For coved-19 to end and no sitr for me and 2021 is good.

I wish for everybody to be happy and a job.

Prayers answered. (Heart drawing)

I wish my siblings were not so annoying.

I wish for no school.

To kill a big buck with my Daddy.

Good soup.

For all cats to be loved.

I wish for love, happiness, successful business.

I want to make come true a bunny.

I wish for “vertedore” to be successful. (5 heart drawings)

Successful jewelry show.

Saints to win the Super Bowl.

I wish for my heart wouldn’t feel so lonly.

I wish for to find Rowe and play.

Wish for lots of treats.

I wish for my family health & wisdom.

I wish for a successful cancer surgery for my husband.

For everybody to be happy not sad.

To find a good paying job that lasts & that I’m happy with.

Health and happiness.

I wish for a long healthy and happy life.

I wish for health, happiness, and prosperity for all of family and friends. I wish love and well being to all.

I wish for L and W’s happiness. (Heart drawing)

I wish for snow this Christmas.

I wish for baby sharks.

Elevator. Green house. Utility Truck.


My wish is for a wonderful life for all.

Wish for a rainbow.

I want a friend.

I wish for a world with no evil.

I wish to be big and strong.

I wish L would make a well tonight.

For dad to make me a glizzy.

I wish to lose weight and to be nicer and to have a happy life. Plus a gf.

Peace, Joy and Happiness!

Wish - Things start going easier. Wish - Liberation and enlightenment in this life time. OM Guru and Divine Mother.

To stop missing my family + enjoy the one I have instead of resenting them for their happiness.

I wish for C*******.

I wish for C******’s and J****’s forever happiness.


To see B again.

To not be pregnant.

I want a friend.

That my crush will like me.

I wish for peace.

Peace and diversity.

I wish for my Dad to come in my life and do right like my cuz did.

I wish for health and happiness for my loved ones.

Cure my cancer!

I wish for a long life with D.

I wish to be a singer.

End of humanity.

I wish that my dad didn’t pass away.

French frise.

A non mean friend group.

I wish for peace, renewal + reciprocity.

I want a dirt bike.

My wish is to make my Dad proud.

That R***** stops calling me Sussy Baka.

I whish to get to see God. I wish to get a puppy.

I wish cats noodle and Bruno will never leave me. (Three cat drawings and a heart with an arrow)

I wish for brightest blessings from above. Be wealthy & rich. Top Dog Breeder #36 M.S.B. / Business grow Protect My Family From All bad Luck. 40 acres 11 cars A Good Wife & get married have kids Have great heatlth & skin & hair I Make to the NFL coaching or players share gifts to the youth community. Remain Spiritual. Remove negative blockage against me. Keep God First so mote it be.

I want to have axolotyl.

100 fidgit.

I have know idiea what iwhis foor. In general, less boardem. And at least 73% of people to reconize polucine & stuff like that.

Jesus for everyone.

I wish for everyone to be safe.

To be whole in myself again.

To find bestie.

I wish for a poop popper.

I wish to never get wrinkles and marry rich.

I wish for my family good health.

That my family will know Jesus + all go to heaven together forever.

Grow old and happy with my love.

Daughter and son finds the love of their lives.

Health and happiness for my family.

Health and happiness.

I wish for a long + happy life, and peace in my heart from what has hurt me.

I wish we have the more fun amazing Christmas in the world.

I wish P****** will be nice to me.

To have world peace.

I wish that everyone in my family to have a great day and happy Thanksgiving.

Seeing Milan again and being able to visit
Australia again.

I wish for many, many years of happiness with my wife.

I wish to pass respiratory school.

I wish my kids be great together.

Health, peace and hope.

I wish for success, patience and happiness. (Smiley face)

That America will be as one. (Heart drawing)

Health + Happiness for my family and Everyone! (Heart drawing)

I wish for our souls to continue to awaken into oneness and create the new humanity. (Heart drawing)

Wishes for peace and love in all of the land!

Wishing for continued health, wealth and prosperity for family and friends!

I wish for my kids to be ok and happy!

Peace in my (Heart drawing).

I wish for a hotdog and the ability to retire soon.

The Wishing Tree I wot a rel fox for my brday.

Health peace love joy.

I wish for an exciting promising job offer that serves my purpose and satisfies my heart.

I wish for a toy parrot and my sister wishes for a nicer coach!

I wish B***** and B****** will always love and be faithful to God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. In Jesus Christ name I pray. Amen Amen Amen


I wish I could forever see this world and everyone in it as I did when I was 5.

To be successful and have an amazing life with my wife.

For health.

Love one and other.

To fix it all and to help me with my mom I want her to love me.

A house for my daughter and son in law.

Equality and Justice for all.

That he will not fixate on resentment.

I wish that something good could happen to me and that I could get someone to love me.

Happiness love freedom.

A Happy Relationship & Family. (Heart drawing) 333

I wish for sleep. (6 month old)

I wish to be great at my new job and move up in the automotive industry to acomplish my wife and I’s dream together!!

Health Rest Restoration.

Health Peace.

For better health.

My wish is for every person & animal never know pain, hunger, or fear in their lifetime. (Heart drawing)

Mis deseos es mucha salud para mis grandes amores. Mis nietos, mi nuera, y que se cumplan todos sus deseos.

I wish that I had my own cows. - G***** age 4

My happy ever after whatever that may look like.

I wish for a long happy marriage.

More events like this in Natchez!

I wish my little brother stopped eating his boogers!

World peace.

Blessings and peace for my grandchildren.

P** graduates and is happy.

I wish I had 5 million dollars.

World peace.

I wish for humans to love one another and for more autonomy of businesses and life. Less government control please.

I wish for an awsome Christmas and get an IPad.

My Wishes - Successful Business - Beautiful + Healthy Babies - Wealthy Family - Happy + Successful Marriage - Fun Life - Wonderful Friends - Health + Wellness - Peace - God Everyday Long Life

I wish P*** get married and live happily ever after. (Heart drawing)

Climate agreements.

Prayers for - L, J, K , W, G, K, P, P, the L-B’s, K, Peace / Faith / Love (Heart drawing) #BeKind

Destiny fulfilled.

Happy family.

Bright future.

God’s protection.



I wish to start my own business.

I wish to be with B**** always. Olive juice.

I wish I had a new minecraft and a puppy.

Wish for good health.

I wish for a long life of happiness with my love. (Happy face drawing)

I wish to live a long and happy life with the ones I love.

I wish for confidence in my life & more self love not only for me but for my friends who suffer with sadness in their life! (Heart drawing)

I wish I could have a bridge across the (my) gully.

I wish for Christians and a good moral compass for our nation!

I wish for world peace and harmony for all.

For blessing on my friends and family.

We wish for good healthy peace & happiness for us & all family, friends, & loved ones & great friends next year!

My wish is a nation restored. hope found. mercy given. justice. but mostly LOVE.

I wish for F*** C***** to be alive.

To have a great Christmas.

Toy gun.

Health, peace, unconditional love for my entire family.

Love. (Heart drawing)

A wish for prosperity and creativity to continue. Do the best you can with the time you have.

I wish one day I will git a million dollars.

E**** recovers completely + lives 4 ever!

I wish to marry my best friend L***….

Safety and happiness for my loved ones.

I wish for lots of students to teach art!

I wish for financial stability & true romantic love in 2022! Health for R** and Mom! In to the Energy!

I wish for a win tmr.

Win basketball tomorrow.

Wishing for Family & Friends Health! ??? the fists bite this winter.

I wish that we have a great life together!

A beautiful life full of love. (Heart drawing)

My wish is that everyone will be kind to one another! Phil. 4:13

I wish for an orgasm!

I wish that I could be a better me. GW

I wish that we could slow the rate of climate change.

Successful and happy adulthood. (Smiley face)

I wish for a week of no worry from work to hang with family.


Happiness everlasting. Peace. (Heart drawing)

Wish for Biden out of office.

I wish for green lanterns to be in minecraft.

To be happy always and survive what’s coming my way.


I wish to find true love.

I wish for our nation to come together.

Recovery for my family.

For E*****: I wish all your dreams come true. I hope you know happiness. I wish you always know Mom & Dad love you! I wish you the world. (Heart drawing) Mom

Happy Marriage.

I wish to live through good will and gratitude. I wish for us as humans to fall back in love with our planet and to love each other as if we were brothers.

My kids grow up happy and healthy.

I wish for more time with the ones I love. (Clock drawing) And adventure!

To be happy.

I wish our kids live a life of happiness.

I wish for happiness and health for my children. Always keep them safe always keep them happy. Mama loves you C*****, C*******, K****** (Heart drawing) you are my reason (Heart drawing)

I want my kids to be healthy and prosperous w/ decent spouses. (Three heart drawings)

I wish that I could really feel like I belong somewhere.

I wish for no more Covid in 2022 & happiness to all our friends and family! I wish to be called Mom by my boy! (Entire wish was written inside the tracing of a small hand with a heart in the middle.)

Wealth and prosperity to all.

Happiness for Mother. (Heart drawing)

Love is making time and finding it.

I wish to be a stay at home mom who doesn’t have to worry about money with a husband who is at least half the man my dad was.

I wish I didn’t have to hide.

I wish my friend would stop using drugs.

A healthy 2022! Friends + Family

For ALL Love, peace and happiness.

Love and peace to the world.

Health Love Jobs.

I wish boys weren’t mean and not to be fat when I am pregnant. I wish my dogs would live forever and that Zac Efron was my boyfriend. If I can’t have Zac though I will settle for someone who is nice to me + at least a little hot.

Wish for God’s love to our friends. B + J

To have a baby in 2022! (Heart drawing)

To experience love. (Infinity symbol drawing)

I wish for my family the best life.

My wish is to get the heck out of here.

A wish for good health.

I wish to go to Ireland.

All dogs to have homes.

A phone.

Endless Happyness with my family.

My family stays together always with lots of love.

Health $

My wish is my job. I want to be a superhero and a hairstylist. Q**** 5

We love you. (Heart drawing) for S****

A baby before 30. Or confidence that there doesn’t have to be a timeline.

Wish my back is healed.

I wish everyone good health.

I wish for everyone to love and be loved.

I wish to be financially secure + happy all my worries will be gone and family is protected by God. (Heart drawing)

For the poor people to get money and be loved. (Three heart drawings)

I wish people could help the Earth.

I wish to someday save the environment.

River / Lake House. (Heart drawing)

That no one goes / is hungry / lonely this Holiday Season.

A long and happy life with J**!

World peace.

For healing for SG and JS.

Unity in Ntz, MS among all man kind! Three daughters businesses be successful. Meet my soul mate. Receive the greatest financial blessing ever. Peace and blessings at my home. Daughter gets her dream home.

I wish for economic balance where no force.

I wish P**** would loosen up and enjoy life.

Merry Christmas! Jesus Loves you!

I wish for all the food in the world.

I wish for a pet snake.

I wish for a lollipop.

Happy folks.

To remember my life before Christmas day.

I wish for my one true love to come to me.

For good health for my family and friends.

I wish for peace, love, and oneness in my city. Love within, all families be reunited. Growth and prosperity for all. Deepen faith and spirituality, openness, forgiveness for all, forgiveness of all. Abundance in love, business, and growth, could end peacefully.

For everyone to get home safe tonight, now wrecks!

I wish for a healing heart. (Heart drawing)

God to bless my relationship and my ex wife to act right.

God bless this city of Natchez as a whole.

For T***** and A***** future.

I wish to be an MLB wife who’s kind.

I wish for 10 million dollars.

Love and long life to my loved ones. M

I wish for everyone has a goo Thanksgiving.

I wish for all men to have big pp.

I wish for a glow up and to win the lottery.

I wish for self love through and through.

I wish for a Bugatti. 8 year old boy.

We wish our house would be completed by the end of next year.

I wish for happiness for my Mom!

Long happy marriage!

Finish the pumps.

I wish that my family find more days filled with happiness than with bitterness or despair.

For it all to turn out ok in the end.

I wish for all my friends and family to have all great luck and for my boyfriend’s mental health to get better. (Heart drawing) I love you A. (Heart drawing)

To the town that gave me everything, I wish you the best future. - R + K

I want to never feel alone and that all my fears stay at bay and I wish to always be happy. (Drawing of a smiling daisy.)

I wish for a life filled with love and happiness that I can share with others.

Wish for everyone to be happy.

I wish me and my family good health, wealth, and great adventures ahead of us, to keep us all safe and to always be kind to everyone.

I wish that I can serve God + be very successful at something meaningful. Fulfillment.

I wish God could stay here forever. S***** age 5

I wish for D**** to make it into Dental School this year and B***** to pass defending his thesis.

A*** is my bestie. I hope…

Peace and love, for all to know Christ Jesus. (Heart drawing)

I wish for people to see and treat all with equality and with love.

My wish is for everyone to make a living in this hard time we’re all in. I hope my family finally gets ahead in life. I hope crop prices are up and inputs are down. I hope my girlfriend always succeeds in life. Just wish for things to get better for everyone.

I wish my family won the lottery / had a trillion billion dollars so we could be happy and I had more animals.

I wish for health and happiness for my family.

I wish for true lasting love and friendship. I wish that A***** has an amazing 31st birthday.

(Heart drawing) A long and happy life together and good health and happiness for our families.

I wish for all good things.

I wish for a healthy fertility for myself and my spouse.!

I wish for happiness and love! (Heart drawing)

See our kids soon.

That people can be loved and accepted just the way they are. (Smiley face drawing)

I wish for another healthy baby (Smiley face drawing) - boy

I wish my family good health and to reach their goals.

I wish for peace, love & happiness for all mankind.

To be able for my business to do good and take better care of my family. Be able to give them everything they deserve.

Happy, Healthy, Finally!

My dad and my mom gett to marry.

$1 Million because I would like to do nothing all day.

To be successful in everything so everyone likes me. (Anxious looking sad face drawing.)

I wish for my family to stay healthy and happy. For S******* to stay safe + have a wonderful life. For us to be able to afford the life she deserves. (Heart drawing)

Healthy + Prosperous 2022 Let’s go Brandon. Merry Xmas.

I wish for happiness.

Good health, end Covid 19, and for everything to be Just… fine…

Peace on Earth.

I wish for a new job. (Two heart drawings)

Happy 4-Ever

I wish for peace.

For a life full of happiness and laughter.

Good health for my family.

I wish for Natchez to grow in happiness.

Wish for peace in our community.

I wish my elderly parents are comfortable.

Homes for all dogs.


My wish for us as a people to come together as one - the human race. Peace + Love

A race car.

I wish I had a bunny rabbit.

Can’t we all get along!

A happy marriage. To get along with H******. Peace. A sense of fulfillment. Self love. Happiness. Trust.

I was for W**** to be nice to me.

I wish to live a long, happy, peaceful life w/ the love of my life.

I wish to live a long and peaceful life. (Heart drawing)

I wish for an end to Covid and peace in the world.

For my therapist to fall in love with me after 3 years of therapy.

Peace + love in the world.

That these pagans convert.

I wish I knew what to wish for.

For my family to come back together and grow stonger. (Heart drawing)

F****** wants a dinosaur.

To be with my love forever and to be happy with myself. (Heart and smiley face drawing)

To see an Angel.

True love.

Health and happiness to all.

Healing body.

I wish for a lifetime of happiness & wealth. Also that Taylor Swift would go on tour & pizza didn’t have calories.

Wish for peace and joy for my family and community. End to Covid and strife.

I wish for B**** to get better.

I wish for long health to my mother and true love for me.

I wish for a girl to love.

I wish for a successful year and healthy happy relationship.

I wish for a big botty girl.

I wish my niece would get out of the hospital with Covid.

I wish to see my 9 year old grand daughter. (Crying face drawing.)

God is real. - BD

I wish to have a good 16th birthday!

I wish my new business will become a hub that will bring people to Christ and develop a bond with my family that gives us generational blessings!

Health and happiness for my children & grandchildren.


That everyone has a wonderful thanksgiving and world peace.

I wish for Spirit to guide me in all I do to be best rejoined to Spirit.

I wish CC was back better too.

For all to know the Love of God through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Beautiful A***! Cancer free!

Health of my family!

Wish for Health Prosperity and Happiness!

S**** will get pregnant. N****** will get pregnant. N*** will pass test & final. Z*** will succeed at CNC.

For everyone to have a great holiday season.

(Shooting star drawing) I wish that people’s intelligence would be more recognized in school.

I wish for myself to be the best version of myself.

I wish for it to snow on Christmas Day and for Natchez to succeed.

Happy Children. -Grands-

My wish is for a cure for cancer.

I need to stop my addiction of twerking.

Ur mom.

We wish for our daughter to grow happy and loved.

I wish for a wonderful life with the ones I (Heart drawing)

Listen to the still small voice.

For a healthy baby.

A planet.

A lifetime of happiness for everyone.

Bless my family with good health and bless our nation.

I wish for a new car.

I wish for the best 120 years that God promised H***** & J***** together. May God bless this marriage & show a multitude of favor! In Jesus name!

I wish my grand daughter would grow to be rich.

Happy healthy family.

Best Christmas.

A happy healthy year and move to Natchez.

Come through my cancer.

I wish for good fortune through the holiday season and a good end to the year.

I wish for a healthy and fruitful life for my daughter.

Stacy Conde